17 June - 23 June 2024

Edhi Center compound for people deemed unable to care for themselves.  Outside Karachi, Pakistan.  Photo: Robert Gumpert 1988


Kestle Barton Gallery: Colin Robins & Oliver Udy: Anthology of Rural Life – Farmers of The Lizard

Martin Parr Foundation: 20/20: Chris Killip / Graham Smith

Polka: “This Was Then”, Enfin La Première Monogramme de Mike Abrahams

Truth In Photography: Upstate Girls - Brenda Ann Kenneally Interview and Photographs

Wobneb Magazine: The inaugural exhibition hosted by Wobneb Magazine - with essay by Rob Hudson

LensCulture: Europa — Brilliant Early Street Photography from Joel Meyerowitz 1966-67 | by Alyssa Monte

Anastasia Taylor-Lind: Projects

Joseph Bellow Gallery: Along the Road

E.O. Hoppé: Age of Industry

Then There Was Us: Kate Schultze  - Mind the gap, luv. | by Jonathan Tomlinson

Metal: Thaddé Comar - In the eye of the storm | Words Jenny Daphne Pitsillides

Museum der Moderne Salzburg: The Dynamics of Photography. 7 Tentative Positionings | curator: Katharina Ehrl

1000 Words: Silvia Rosi - Disintegrata | Exhibition review by Mariacarla Molè

Daniel Alexander Skwarna: Personal Work

Print: The Daily Heller: Meet the People of Moldova

Gost: Craig Easton - Thatcher’s Children

Chloé Jafé: Trilogy

Archival Recordings: Recent Photographs 06142024 | by Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin

Monroe Gallery: June 21, 1964: The Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner | photos Bill Eppridge

Culture, Art and Design

Dog on poach, Sutter Street, near Japan Town.  Photo: Robert Gumpert 21 June 2024

The Guardian: Sujata Setia’s Potent images that shine a light on domestic abuse | by Lisa O’Kelly

Civil Eats: Oral History Project Preserves Black and Indigenous Food Traditions | by Liz Susan Karl

Aperture: How Images Make the Objects We Desire Seem Irresistible | by Jesse Dorris

Print: Living History: Connecting the Threads Between Juneteenth and the Story of Black Graphic Designers | by Cheryl D. Holmes-Miller

Orion: The Fugees / Harrisburg, Pennsylvania | by Ross Gay

Something Curated: A Personal Guide to the Most Delicious Ice Cream in New York | by Luke Pension

Beaumont Enterprise: Mysterious monolith sighted near Las Vegas hiking trail similar to 2020 sightings | by Robin Bradshaw

McSweeney’s: We Love the Character of This Neighborhood So We Bought a House, Tore It Down, and Built a Mansion Resembling a La Quinta Inn | by Aaron Applegate

McSweeney’s: We’re Having a Get-Together.  Could You Bring Your Massive, Poorly Trained Dog? | by Mike Langley

LA Times: 'Slave Play. Not a Movie. A Play.' documentary streaming on Max | by Lisa Fung

El País: Héctor Tobar, writer and journalist: ‘The United States has made being white akin to owning property, a very valuable asset’ | by Luis Pablo Beauregard

Washington Post: Your socks are showing your age | by Ashley Fetters Maloy and Samantha Chery

Headbanging Headlines:

El País: Mallorca, the destination chosen by Mark Zuckerberg to debut his $300 million megayacht which he gave himself for his 40th birthday. Estimated annual maintenance cost, more than $30 million

The Guardian: Nick Cannon Insures His Testicles For $10 Million


Word of Mouth (BBC): Little Green Men: the secret rules of word order

YouTube: I Built A Car For My Child From AI's Imagination

Outlook (BBC): Sebastião Salgado - Photographing genocide broke me, it took a forest to heal me

Ben Smith’s A Small Voice: 233 - Chloé Jafé


Conscientious: Akihiko Okamura’s The Memories of Others | reviewed by Jörg M. Colberg

Orion: A City Without Nature | by Nadina Galle

Dewi Lewis: Roland Ramanan “Dominoes”

Bluecoat: Mike Abrahams -“This Was Then”

Other Stuff 

Nautilus: Magic Died When Art and Science Split | by Renée Bergland

NY Times: BNN Breaking - It Looked Like a Reliable News Site. It Was an A.I. Chop Shop. | by Kashmir Hill and Tiffany Hsu

The New Yorker: If ever there were a case for age-related diminishment of a candidate, Donald Trump is it. | by Susan B. Glasser

CNET: Get Ready to See a Sky Explosion That Only Happens Once Every 80 Year | by Joe Hindy

Washington Post: Men’s brains change when they become dads to prepare them for parenthood | by Lindsey Bever

Aeon: His radiant formula | by Roger Highfield, edited by Nigel Warburton

Science: Chimps use more plant medicines than any other animal | by Dennis Normile


Roofers at a home site. Berkeley, California.  Photo: Robert Gumpert 2001

NY Times Magazine: The opioid epidemic has made a dangerous job even more deadly. And when there’s an overdose at sea, fishermen have to take care of one another. | by C.J. Chivers

The Load Star: East coast port strike looms larger as union takes a tough stance on wages | by Ian Putzger

Quartz: CEO pay is rising faster than it has in a decade — and 3 times as fast as worker wages | by Ben Kessler

Common Dreams: 'UAW All the Way': Ohio EV Plant Workers Hail Historic Contract Victory | by Brett Wilkins

Social Issues

Somewhere in Virginia off Interstate 95.  Photo: Robert Gumpert April-May 1972

El País: The last days of death row in California: ‘We are not allowed to be human here’ | by Ikea Seisdedos

Huck: Missing Voices-I was made homeless 11 days after the Asylum decision I waited 16 years for

Mission Local: San Francisco doesn't give a damn what goes on in its jails | by Joe Eskenazi

Civil Eats: Zero-Waste Grocery Stores in Growth Mode as Consumers Seek to Ditch Plastic | by Christina Cooke

TPM: Rudy Giuliani Is Running The Risk Of Blowing Up His Own Bankruptcy Case | by Josh Kovensky

NY Times: Why Activists Keep Failing the Causes That Fire Them Up | by Sarah Isgur

Washington Post: ‘You need to know this story’: In 1964, the Klan killed three activists and shocked the nation | by Susan Levine

Photography by Michael S. Williamson

Division Street

Hover over the image for his story.

Marcel Mcrae, 51, in his tent, Potrero Ave meridian between Alameda and Division.  He has been street sleeper off and on for 18-19 years and a resident of San Francisco for 51 years.  Photo: Robert Gumpert 07 August 2023

In his words:

I’m just struggling, man.  Not just a year ago I was living in a box, just me and my puppy, and now I’m in a more structured environment even though I’m still out here.  I’m still homeless.  I am employed.  I’m still struggling everyday situations out here, dealing with the shuffle [being told to move], that’s what I call it.  I take it day by day man.  I choose to just keep trying everyday, everyday no matter what and it’s hard.  But what am I going to do, just lay down and stop?  Can’t do that.

I felt like once I became employed that things would be different, [but] no it’s not like that.  It’s even harder.  Learning how to be responsible, practicing being responsible on a day to day basis verses having no worries, and no cares, is different.  You got to become disciplined, in doing so you got to stop doing a lot of things you did before.

I’m older now, I don’t have too much time left.  I’m thinking about what kind of legacy I want to leave out here to my kids and my younger generation of friends.  A lot of very good people have died on these streets. For what? For nothing. I don’t want to be one of them.

The San Francisco Standard: $2,500 in rent for a rusted RV? The rise of San Francisco’s vanlords | by Alex Mullaney

Texas Observer: Displaced to Death | by Nikita Burger

Street Sheet: Behind the Curtain of San Francisco’s Sweep Operations

Dezeen: Exploring how the UK's vacant retail spaces can be repurposed as community-owned housing. | by Lizzie Crook

“Division Street” – Order from Dewi Lewis: Orders: U.S.ABritain - Canada



Robert Gumpert

Author/Photographer of "Division Street" living amongst staggering wealth on the streets of San Francisco. Published by Dewi Lewis


10 June - 16 June 2024