Coffee and Donuts

Small zines of large projects and short stories

Grand Central Terminal, New York City

Upon learning that I would be in New York City around the third week of March, 2005, a friend and art director asked me to spend a day in Grand Central Terminal for a dummy he was producing. On the 16th of March 2005 I spent about 10 hours just hanging out, taking photos and talking with people. Sometime ago I scanned a number of the images, badly, and they have been hanging about until now.

Tigers in the Pit: The Pacific Exchange 2003

The Market”, why it goes up, or down, and what exactly it represents leaves me perplexed.

At one point I thought stocks represented the relative health or ill-health of a company, or at least a way to judge risk.  But it doesn’t seem that way.

And what about bonds, options, futures, options, shorting or the opposite - it all opaque to me. 

And so 2003, like a fireman to fire, I found myself with permission to spend a year on the floor of the Pacific Exchange, photographing and interviewing the people that worked on the floor.

A year on from the my first step on the floor I can’t say I was much better equipped to understand what was going on, but the folks I meet had some amazing skills.

“Tigers in the Pit” presents a bit of what I saw and heard.

Photos of UAW members - 1981 -2003
At the time the UAW was one of the largest and most progress unions in the United States. These images were all done for UAW magazine, “Solidarity”

Shelter: From blankets to mansions

Workers on Work: Essential Workers

Voices from the Tenderloin in San Francisco, California

“The Floor”: 2 Servers talk of the restaurant business and work

Joshua Tree National Park. California 2021

Pioneer Hearts - A short history of same-sex marriage in San Francisco, California 1996-2015

Living unhoused in San Francisco’s SoMa District